Saturday, November 26, 2011

The reality of plagiarism

In Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age, it tells us how more and more students are plagiarizing their papers. They use the internet to either copy and past or simply type/write what they can find. The reason is because everyone is lazy and the information is already there and accessible. There have also been people that have plagiarized multiple passages thinking that is not plagiarism. Many teachers are very upset that the students are not at least showing proper respect of plagiarizing someone's work in their writing, but it is not just students that plagiarize, but adults as well.
What I think about plagiarism is that it is true that we are lazy and sometimes we cannot find the right way to turn someone's words and change them in our own form. In my experience, the teachers will always find out if you did plagiarize or not. I think it is okay to plagiarize a little bit only if you use Quotation marks.

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