Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Two most vicious cats in the world

Ever heard of the expressions "the lion is the king of the jungle", "the king of the forest", or "the king of the beasts"? That is because the lion is a fierce warrior, being able to take on multiple attacks with it's size, it is a symbol of power, courage and nobility. While the tiger is known as a striped assassin, because sometimes it takes it's prey by surprise, it is a symbol of stealth and power. Even though both species live in India, meetings between them are rare. An interesting fact is that the only chance that they can mate is in a zoo, between a male lion and a female tiger, a hybrid called a liger or a male tiger and a female lion, a hybrid called a tigon. In the past lions were more populated, you could find them from Greece through the Middle East to Northern India, and there used to be a lot of lions in Africa, but now only a few are found in India and in the Sub-Sahara region. Tigers also live in India but they are also native to Asia from the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea to Siberia in the north and Indonesia and even in Borneo and the Philippines in the south. Both are skilled predators that are equipped with lethal teeth and claws. People have wondered which is better, lion vs. tiger, and to me the lion is the better one, they even did a simulation, and guess what? The lion won the battle, the lion keeps it's crown as the king of the beasts.

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't sure which post you were replying to on the Life Safari question, Bryan. What are Florida's Big Five?
